
Volunteering with us is a fantastic way to use your skills to support the work of our Heritage Society Charity. Whether a member, former member of the Boys' Brigade or just interested in giving your time to a worthy cause please get in touch heritage@bbeab.org.

You don't need specific skills, just enthusiasm to give two hour per week during our opening hours.

You can make a real difference and enhance the quality of experience the members of the public receive whilst visiting the museum.

You can enhance your knowledge of the history of the Boys' Brigade.

You can meet and connect with fellow volunteers.

You can have fun reminiscing with members of the public.

Our volunteers said:

I have been involved with Boys Brigade for 50 years and I am passionate about its ethos.
The heritage society allows us to collate information and images about our past that can help us share that to others and help bring former members back to help support the work of Boys brigade going forward.
Maintains the links from the past to the future.

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